How It All Started


Hello! I’m Munirih, a registered dietitian and mom of two.

I was drawn to the field of nutrition because I found it empowering that our daily food choices could fuel our energy, mental health and overall wellbeing.

I also like that nutrition is a universal connector. Everyone eats and makes food choices every day so no matter who you are talking to, nutrition is something that they can relate to in one way or another.

When I first became a clinical dietitian in 2009, I found pediatric nutrition intimidating and avoided it. Not only do kids’ nutritional needs change by the year, month and, in the case of a newborn, day but the thought of messing something up completely scared me away.

Fast forward 10 years and I had just had my first son. My days of avoiding kids nutrition were over.

Once Ramsey started eating solids, much of my time and energy were centered about planning, preparing, and feeding him. This time instead of finding kid nutrition scary and intimidating, I found it fun and rewarding.

Ramsey loved to eat all day and all night! His love for food was infectious. In fact, several family members have commented on how much they adore just watching Ramsey eat.

Just when I started to feel confident that I had it all figured out, my second son Theo was born.

Theo had a more “take it or leave it” approach to food and wasn’t ready to jump past the puree phase like Ramsey had. He was on a whole different eating journey, one which I also needed to figure out.

Feeding a family of four when two are under 2 is a lot of work but also a lot of reward.

Along the way my focus has shifted away from designing the perfect baby diet. Now my primary goal is to cultivate in the boys a healthy relationship with food and eating that they can carry with them into adulthood.

Thanks for stopping by! I hope you find something here that resonates or helps on your own journey to fostering tiny and mighty eaters.


Baby Led Weaning Versus Purees