Dragon Juice Recipe


When the boy are ill, I like to make a home remedy called “dragon juice”. It’s an immune boosting mix of ginger, honey and lemon. If you read my post on honey, you know that honey is a powerful superfood with antibacterial properties but shouldn’t be fed to children under 1 year old due to a rare disease called infant botulism. I like to make the mixture pretty concentrated and then give the boys a couple ounces of it twice a day until they are feeling better.



4 inch piece of ginger root, peeled

5 lemons

1/4 cup honey


Use a vegetable grater to grate about 1/2 cup of fresh ginger root. Add this to a large pot with 6 cups of water. Turn on high heat to bring to a boil, then reduce the heat to simmer. Simmer for about 15 minutes. The longer you cook it, the stronger/spicier it will be. Remove from the heat and strain the liquid. Add juice from 5 lemons and 1/4 cup of honey to the hot liquid. Stir to combine.

Can be enjoyed cold or hot. Warm is really nice for little ones with sore throats.


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