Welcome! I’m a dietitian and mom trying to bring more joy and less insanity to feeding kids.

Here are the latest blog posts:

Munirih Munirih

The Five-A-Day Challenge for Kids

Parents want kids to eat veggies but forcing them down can make kids dislike them even more. How a fun Peppa Pig inspired game helped my kids want to eat their fruits & veggies. Everyone in the family, children and parents alike, can play to help increase food variety. Kids feel accomplished and the practice promotes lifelong healthy habits.

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Munirih Munirih

The Art and Science of Making a Great Toddler Snack

What’s for snack today? The perfect toddler snack is easy to make, acceptable to your kid and fuels them for a few hours of play so they don’t have a hunger fueled meltdown. Snack options are endless but some basic food science and behavioral phycology can help you understand how to build a snack that meets the needs of both kids and their parents.

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Munirih Munirih

Do Food Dyes Really Make Kids Hyper?

I hadn’t spent much time fretting about dyes in food, but as a mom of two rambunctious boys that’s started to change. With kids, it seems like one holiday rolls into the next and each brings it’s own set of technicolored goodies. So I found myself wondering: do food dyes really cause behavior change in kids?

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Munirih Munirih

Why Is Feeding My 2 Year Old Suddenly So Difficult?

Turning 2 isn’t easy. Trying to feed a 2 year old is no walk in the park either. At this age some developmentally normal changes can make mealtimes more difficult. The way that parents respond to these changes can help ease or exacerbate picky eating habits moving forward.

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Munirih Munirih

What’s Your Feeding Style?

Researchers have developed a model that compares 4 distinct parental feeding styles. Spoiler alert: one approach appears to have the best outcomes.

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Munirih Munirih

I Need To Talk About Not Talking About Dinner

I seem to always be thinking and talking about food so there’s a simple tip for feeding kids that I really struggle with: Don’t spend family meals focused on what your kid is (and isn’t) eating.

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Munirih Munirih

What The French Get Right About Feeding Kids

The French tend to take anything food related pretty serious and feeding babies is no exception. In France, food education and taste development are considered to be important parts of a parent’s job. Here are my four favorite aspects of the typical French approach to feeding kids.

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Munirih Munirih

Highchair Reviews

After 3 years of feeding two kids (~6000 feeding so far if I did the math right), I’ve come to have strong opinions about what is important in a highchair. Here’s my cream of the crop.

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