Welcome! I’m a dietitian and mom trying to bring more joy and less insanity to feeding kids.

Here are the latest blog posts:

Munirih Munirih

The Sweet Life: Finding Balance with Kids & Sugar

Between how our society is set up and how our biology is set up, it’s pretty easy to feel obsessed with sugar…regardless of whether you are a toddler or a full grown human. So what is the best approach when it comes to introducing sweets to kids and teaching them to have a healthy relationship with sugar?

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Munirih Munirih

What the Heck is Food Neutrality?

When I started blogging, I had no idea what the term “food neutrality” meant. The term is rather obscure, but if you spend a little time in the realm of mommy bloggers or look at #kidnutrition, it pops up quite a bit. I decided to do a little digging into this idea in hopes of better understanding the concept and to see if there were lessons I wanted to apply at home.

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Munirih Munirih

Toddlers and Appetite

What’s one thing that infants and toddlers are naturally good at? Knowing how much food their bodies need to fuel them. Intake of food may seem sporadic to parents. It can appear that young kids are eating too much or too little from day to day or meal to meal but kids tend to be good at listening to their bodies’ hunger and fullness cues when they eat.

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